Houston, we have a problem!
Lassal has so much work on her table right now (she has 60 days to finish 10 illustrated books for publishing – none of which are about little me, can you imagine?!)
She has not made up her mind if she should go for a Little Hunterman cartoon rerun of old material – only adding maybe 2 or 3 new works each week when she gets around to it. Or if she should simply pause completely for a time …
On the bright side, if these activity books are well received – they are for a niche group, only deaf children – she might be able to pause her illustrating job for a while to work on my book. So far time has been a catch22 for her.
So, would you be ok with a little rerun? Most of my FB friends are new anyway and have not seen much, but my loyal commenting friends, I fear, those who I really do not want to disappoint, they have probably seen most of it.
What to do?
Any advice? Any thoughts?
(My Facebook Friends started giving me advice last night – I am so humbled and delighted to have such awesome friends!)
#dogs #reruns