I Have A Dream

I Have A Dream

Bad news & good news. BAD news is: I TOTALLY forgot my lazy Sunday! Can you believe it?! Lassal was working. Tony was working. So it went by completely unnoticed. I’ll have to reschedule it for tomorrow. No way I am going to forgo on a valuable...
Raising The Bar

Raising The Bar

It is raining cats and mice. So I have to invent games to keep myself busy. (Lassal is trying to teach the real me to put his toys back into the toybox. Good luck with that one!)   #dogs #reruns #StarringContest ← Previous Wee Next Wee → Be my...
Diplomacy 101

Diplomacy 101

Politics according to Little Hunterman.   #dogs #Diplomacy ← Previous Wee Next Wee → Be my FriendSign-up for my wee-mails to get my “get-to-know-me” ebook as a cool welcome gift. Get my...
From Here to The Universe

From Here to The Universe

Have I told you that you make me very happy when you post some pictures of my comrade doggies on Facebook? Isn’t the web a fantastic thing?! From here to Alaska, Japan, Australia … the MOON … the UNIVERSE! Ok. Ditch the universe. But wasn’t...

Get My Fantastically Awesome Total Introduction-Thingy!

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Yay, ALMOST there! Now go check your wee-mail inbox-place!

Get My Fantastically Awesome First-Ever Book Chapter!

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Yay! Now go check your wee-mail inbox thingy!

YAY, have lots of fun with Flynn and me!

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Yay! Now go check your wee-mail inbox thingy!

Yay, hab total viel Spaß mit Flynn und mir!

Yay, hab total viel Spaß mit Flynn und mir!

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Yay! Und jetzt geh und checke ganz schnell dein Wee-Mail Postfach-Platz!